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Families need help with caregiving,
hospital stays, and the end of life
We work with:
What Families Are Saying

“I wish I had help like this the first time my mother-in-law was in the hospital. I would have known what to expect, and we could have done so much more to help her get better faster.”
“Dear Beth, I am so thankful for our sessions together. As I have told you before, you say wonderful, sensible things that help me place the behavior of people, the events in life, and my mom’s disease in a proper perspective. After talking with you, I feel like although caregiving is often overwhelming, it is still doable, and that I can make it through. You make me feel more hopeful. I view you as ‘the bridge to my future’ — how to get there from here — and the support I need.”
—Suzanne F., Illinois

"I don’t even think I can truly put into words what she did for my mental psyche." ​
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